In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful There is no other god beside GOD |
Welcome to Submission (Islam) |
Any reader of this book can easily verify the Quran's mathematical miracle. The word "God" (Allah) is written in bold capital letters throughout the text. The cumulative frequency of occurrence of the word "God" is noted at the bottom of each page in the left hand corner. The number in the right hand corner is the cumulative total of the numbers for verses containing the word "God." The last page of the text, Page 372, shows that the total occurrence of the word "God" is 2698, or 19x142. The total sum of verse numbers for all verses containing the word "God" is 118123, also a multiple of 19 (118123 = 19x6217).
Nineteen is the common denominator throughout the Quran's mathematical system.
This phenomenon alone suffices as incontrovertible proof that the Quran is God's message to the world. No human being(s) could have kept track of 2698 occurrences of the word "God," and the numbers of verses where they occur. This is especially impossible in view of (1) the age of ignorance during which the Quran was revealed, and (2) the fact that the suras and verses were widely separated in time and place of revelation. The chronological order of revelation was vastly different from the final format (Appendix 23). However, the Quran's mathematical system is not limited to the word "God;" it is extremely vast, extremely intricate, and totally comprehensive.
1. | The first verse (1:1), known as "Basmalah," consists of | 19 letters. |
2. | The Quran consists of 114 suras, which is | 19 x 6. |
3. | The total number of verses in the Quran is 6346, or | 19 x 334. |
[6234 numbered verses & 112 un-numbered verses (Basmalahs) 6234+112 = 6346] Note that 6+3+4+6= | 19. | |
4. | The Basmalah occurs 114 times, despite its conspicuous absence from Sura 9 (it occurs twice in Sura 27) & 114= | 19 x 6. |
5. | From the missing Basmalah of Sura 9 to the extra Basmalah of Sura 27, there are precisely | 19 suras. |
6. | It follows that the total of the sura numbers from 9 to 27 (9+10+11+12+...+26+27) is 342, or | 19 x 18. |
7. | This total (342) also equals the number of words between the two Basmalahs of Sura 27, and 342 = | 19 x 18. |
8. | The famous first revelation (96:1-5) consists of | 19 words. |
9. | This 19-worded first revelation consists of 76 letters | 19 x 4. |
10. | Sura 96, first in the chronological sequence, consists of | 19 verses. |
11. | This first chronological sura is placed atop the last | 19 suras. |
12. | Sura 96 consists of 304 Arabic letters, and 304 equals | 19 x 16. |
13. | The last revelation (Sura 110) consists of | 19 words. |
14. | The first verse of the last revelation (110:1) consists of | 19 letters. |
15. | 14 different Arabic letters, form 14 different sets of "Quranic Initials" (such as A.L.M. of 2:1), and prefix 29 suras. These numbers add up to 14+14+29=57= | 19 x 3. |
16. | The total of the 29 sura numbers where the Quranic Initials occur is 2+3+7+...+50+68 = 822, and 822+14 (14 sets of initials) equals 836, or | 19 x 44. |
17. | Between the first initialed sura (Sura 2) and the last initialed sura (Sura 68) there are 38 un-initialed suras | 19 x 2. |
18. | Between the first and last initialed sura there are | 19 sets |
of alternating "initialed" and "uninitialed" suras. | ||
19. | The Quran mentions 30 different numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 99, 100, 200, 300, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 50,000, & 100,000. The sum of these numbers is 162146, which equals | 19x8534. |
The Quran states in 10:20 and 25:4-6 that its miracle, i.e., proof of divine authorship, was destined to remain secret for a specific predetermined interim:
Table 1: List of the Quranic Initials and Their Suras
Marmaduke Pickthall translated "ALONE" correctly, but destroyed the criterion by inserting his personal belief in parentheses; he translated 39:45 as follows:
I purchased all the available books of Quranic translations and exegeses (Tafseer) I could find, placed them on a large table, and began my translation. The first sura, The Key, was completed in a few days. The first verse in Sura 2 is "A.L.M." The translation of this verse took four years, and coincided with the divine unveiling of "the secret," the great mathematical Miracle of the Quran.
The books of Quranic exegeses unanimously agreed that "no one knows the meaning or significance of the Quranic Initials A.L.M., or any other initials." I decided to write the Quran into the computer, analyze the whole text, and see if there were any mathematical correlations among these Quranic initials.
I used a time-share terminal, connected by telephone to a giant computer. To test my hypothesis, I decided to look at the single-lettered Quranic Initials — "Q" (Qaaf) of Suras 42 and 50, "S" (Saad) of Suras 7, 19, and 38, and "N" (Noon) of Sura 68. As detailed in my first book MIRACLE OF THE QURAN: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MYSTERIOUS ALPHABETS (Islamic Productions, 1973), many previous attempts to unravel the mystery had failed.
Sura 50 is entitled "Q," prefixed with "Q," and the first verse reads, "Q, and the glorious Quran." This indicated that "Q" stands for "Quran," and the total number of Q's in the two Q-initialed suras represents the Quran's 114 suras (57+57 = 114 = 19x6). This idea was strengthened by the fact that "the Quran" occurs in the Quran 57 times.
The Quran is described in Sura "Q" as "Majid" (glorious), and the Arabic word "Majid" has a gematrical value of 57: M (40)+J (3)+I (10)+D (4) = 57.
Sura 42 consists of 53 verses, and 42+53 = 95 = 19x5.
Sura 50 consists of 45 verses, and 50+45 = 95, same total as in Sura 42.
By counting the letter "Q" in every "Verse 19" throughout the Quran, the total count comes to 76, 19x4. Here is a summary of the Q-related data:
| ||||||||||||||||
Glimpses of the Quran's mathematical composition began to emerge. For example, it was observed that the people who disbelieved in Lot are mentioned in 50:13 and occur in the Quran 13 times — 7:80; 11:70, 74, 89; 21:74; 22:43; 26:160; 27:54, 56; 29:28; 38:13; 50:13; and 54:33. Consistently, they are referred to as "Qawm," with the single exception of the Q-initialed Sura 50 where they are referred to as "Ikhwaan." Obviously, if the regular, Q-containing word "Qawm" were used, the count of the letter "Q" in Sura 50 would have become 58, and this whole phenomenon would have disappeared. With the recognized absolute accuracy of mathematics, the alteration of a single letter destroys the system.
Another relevant example is the reference to Mecca in 3:96 as "Becca"! This strange spelling of the renowned city has puzzled Islamic scholars for many centuries. Although Mecca is mentioned in the Quran properly spelled in 48:24, the letter "M" is substituted with a "B" in 3:96. It turns out that Sura 3 is an M-initialed sura, and the count of the letter "M" would have deviated from the Quran's code if "Mecca" was spelled correctly in 3:96.
This initial is unique; it occurs in one sura, 68, and the name of the letter is spelled out as three letters — Noon Wow Noon — in the original text, and is therefore counted as two N's. The total count of this letter in the N-initialed sura is 133, 19x7. The fact that "N" is the last Quranic Initial (see Table 1) brings out a number of special observations. For example, the number of verses from the first Quranic Initial (A.L.M. of 2:1) to the last initial (N. of 68:1) is 5263, or 19x277.
The word "God" (Allah) occurs 2641 (19x139) times between the first initial and the last initial. Since the total occurrence of the word "God" is 2698, it follows that its occurrence outside the initials "A.L.M." of 2:1 on one side, and the initial "N" of 68:1 on the other side, is 57, 19x3. Tables 9 to 18 prove that the initial "NuN" must be spelled out to show two N's.
This initial prefixes three suras, 7, 19, and 38, and the total occurrence of the letter "S" (Saad) in these three suras is 152, 19x8 (Table 2). It is noteworthy that in 7:69, the word "Bastatan" is written in some printings with a "Saad," instead of "Seen."
Table 2: The Frequency of Occurrence of the Letter "S" in the Saad-initialed Suras
This is an erroneous distortion that violates the Quran's code. By looking at the oldest available copy of the Quran, the Tashkent Copy,it was found that the word "Bastatan" is correctly written with a "Seen" (see photocopy below).
It is noteworthy that the letter "Y" is written in the Quran
in two forms; one is obvious and the other is subtle. The subtle form
of the letter may be confusing to those who are not thoroughly familiar
with the Arabic language. A good example is the word "Araany
which is mentioned twice in 12:36. The letter "Y" is used
twice in this word, the first "Y" is subtle and the second
is obvious. Sura 36 does not contain a single "Y" of the subtle
type. This is a remarkable phenomenon, and one that does not normally
occur in a long sura like Sura 36. In my book QURAN: VISUAL PRESENTATION
OF THE MIRACLE (Islamic Productions, 1982) every "Y" and
"S" in Sura 36 is marked with a star.
Table 3: Occurence of the Letters "H" and "M" in the Seven H.M.-Initialed Suras
Sura | Frequency of Occurence | ||
No. | "H" | "M" | "H+M" |
40 | 64 | 380 | 444 |
41 | 48 | 276 | 324 |
42 | 53 | 300 | 353 |
43 | 44 | 324 | 368 |
44 | 16 | 150 | 166 |
45 | 31 | 200 | 231 |
46 | 36 | 225 | 261 |
292 | 1855 | 2147 | |
(19x113) |
These initials constitute Verse 2 of Sura 42, and the total occurrence of these letters in this sura is 209, or 19x11. The letter " `A" (`Ayn) occurs 98 times, the letter "S" (Seen) occurs 54 times, and the letter "Q" (Qaf) occurs 57 times.
Table 4: Occurence of the Letters "A," "L," and "M" in the A.L.M.-Initialed Suras.
Sura | Frequency of Occurence | |||
No. | "A" | "L" | "M" | Total |
2 | 4502 | 3202 | 2195 | 9899 (19x521) |
3 | 2521 | 1892 | 1249 | 5662 (19x298) |
29 | 774 | 554 | 344 | 1672 (19x88) |
30 | 544 | 393 | 317 | 1254 (19x66) |
31 | 347 | 297 | 173 | 817 (19x43) |
32 | 257 | 155 | 158 | 570 (19x30) |
8945 | 6493 | 4436 | 19874 (19x1046) |
Table 5: Occurence of the Letters "A," "L," and "R" in the A.L.R.-Initialed Suras
Sura | Frequency of Occurence | |||
No. | "A" | "L" | "R" | Total |
10 | 1319 | 913 | 257 | 2489 (19x131) |
11 | 1370 | 794 | 325 | 2489 (19x131) |
12 | 1306 | 812 | 257 | 2375 (19x125) |
14 | 585 | 452 | 160 | 1197 (19x63) |
15 | 493 | 323 | 96 | 912 (19x48) |
5073 | 3294 | 1095 | 9462 (19x498) |
An important observation here is the interlocking relationship involving the letter "S" (Saad). This initial occurs also in Suras 19 and 38. While complementing its sister letters in Sura 7 to give a total that is divisible by 19, the frequency of this letter also complements its sister letters in Suras 19 and 38 to give a multiple of 19 (see Page 380).
Additionally, the Quranic Initial "S" (Saad) interacts with the Quranic Initials "K.H.Y. `A." (Kaaf Haa Ya `Ayn) in Sura 19 to give another total that is also a multiple of 19 (see Page 383). This interlocking relationship — which is not unique to the initial "S" (Saad) — contributes to the intricacy of the Quran's numerical code.
It should be noted at this time that the longer, more complex, interlocking and overlapping initials are found in the suras where uncommonly powerful miracles are narrated. For example, the virgin birth of Jesus is given in Sura 19, which is prefixed with the longest set of initials, K.H.Y.`A.S.
The interlocking initials "H.," "T.H.," "T.S.," and "T.S.M." prefix suras describing the miracles of Moses, Jesus, and the uncommon occurrences surrounding Solomon and his jinns. God thus provides stronger evidence to support stronger miracles. The frequencies of occurrence of these initials are presented in Table 6.
Table 6: Occurence of the Quranic Initials "H.," "T.H.," "T.S. ", and "T.S.M." in Their Suras
Table 7: Gematrical Values of the Arabic Alphabet
Additionally, if we add the total gematrical value of all 14 initials, plus the number of the first sura where the initial occurs, we get a grand total of 988, 19x52. Table 8 presents these data.
Table 8: The 14 Letters Used in Forming Quranic Initials
If we add the number of occurrences of each of the 14 letters listed in Table 8 as an initial, plus the numbers of the suras where it occurs as an initial, the Grand Total comes to 2033, 19x107. See Table 9.
Table 9: Mathematically Structured Distribution of the Quranic Initials
Initial | Number of Occurrences | Suras Where It Occurs | Total |
A (Alef) | 13 | [+ 2 + 3 + 7 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 29 + 30 + 31 + 32] | 222 |
L (Laam) | 13 | [+ 2 + 3 + 7 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 29 + 30 + 31 + 32] | 222 |
M (Mim) | 17 | [+ 2 + 3 + 7 + 13 + 26 + 28 + 29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 40 + 41 + 42 + 43 + 44 + 45 + 46] | 519 |
S (Saad) | 3 | + 7 + 19 + 38 | 67 |
R (Ra) | 6 | + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 | 81 |
K (Kaf) | 1 | + 19 | 20 |
H (Ha) | 2 | + 19 + 20 | 41 |
Y (Ya) | 2 | + 19 + 36 | 57 |
`A (`Ayn) | 2 | + 19 + 42 | 63 |
T (Ta) | 4 | + 20 + 26 + 27 + 28 | 105 |
S (Seen) | 5 | + 26 + 27 + 28 + 36 + 42 | 164 |
H (HHa) | 7 | + 40 + 41 + 42 + 43 + 44 + 45 + 46 | 308 |
Q (Qaf) | 2 | +42+50 | 94 |
N (Noon) | 2 | +68 | 70 |
79 | 1954 | 2033 | |
(19x107) |
Table 10 presents the total frequency of Quranic Initials, plus the total gematrical value of these letters in the whole sura. The Grand Total for all initialed suras is 1089479. This number, in excess of one million, is a multiple of 19 (1089479 = 19 x 57341). The slightest alteration or distortion destroys the system.
Note: The total gematrical value of the Quranic Initials in a given sura equals the gematrical value of each initial multiplied by the frequency of occurrence of that initial in the sura.
Table 10: Total Gematrical Values of All Quranic Initials In Their Suras
Suras | Initials | Frequency of Initials | Total Value in Whole Sura |
2 | A.L.M. | 9899 | 188362 |
3 | A.L.M. | 5662 | 109241 |
7 | A.L.M.S | 5320 | 103719 |
10 | A.L.R. | 2489 | 80109 |
11 | A.L.R. | 2489 | 90190 |
12 | A.L.R. | 2375 | 77066 |
13 | A.L.M.R. | 1482 | 52805 |
14 | A.L.R. | 1197 | 46145 |
15 | A.L.R. | 912 | 29383 |
19 | K.H.Y.`A.S. | 798 | 17575 |
20 | T.H. | 279 | 1507 |
26 | T.S.M. | 611 | 25297 |
27 | T.S. | 121 | 5883 |
28 | T.S.M. | 581 | 24691 |
29 | A.L.M. | 1672 | 31154 |
30 | A.L.M. | 1254 | 25014 |
31 | A.L.M. | 817 | 16177 |
32 | A.L.M. | 570 | 11227 |
36 | Y.S. | 285 | 5250 |
38 | S. | 29 | 2610 |
40 | H.M. | 444 | 15712 |
41 | H.M. | 324 | 11424 |
42 | H.M.-`A.S.Q. | 562 | 28224 |
43 | H.M. | 368 | 13312 |
44 | H.M. | 166 | 6128 |
45 | H.M. | 231 | 8248 |
46 | H.M. | 261 | 9288 |
50 | Q | 57 | 5700 |
68 | N,N | 133 | 6650 |
41388 | 1048091 | ||
41388 + 1048091 = 1089479 (19 x 57341) |
It is noteworthy that the initial "N" must be counted as two N's. This reflects the fact that the original Quranic text spells out this initial with 2 N's.
Table 11: Parameters of the 14 Individual Quranic Initials
Initial | Sura , Verse, & (Frequency) of Initial in Each Sura | First Sura | Last Sura |
A (Alef) | 2:1 (4502), 3:1 (2521), 7:1 (2529), 10:1 (1319) 11:1 (1370), 12:1 (1306), 13:1 (605), 14:1 (585), 15:1 (493), 29:1 (774), 30:1 (544), 31:1 (347), 32:1 (257) | 2 | 32 |
L (Laam) | 2:1 (3202), 3:1 (1892), 7:1 (1530), 10:1 (913), 11:1 (794), 12:1 (812), 13:1 (480), 14:1 (452), 15:1 (323), 29:1 (554), 30:1 (393), 31:1 (297), 32:1 (155) | 2 | 32 |
M (Mim) | 2:1 (2195), 3:1 (1249), 7:1 (1164), 13:1 (260) 26:1 (484), 28:1 (460), 29:1 (344), 30:1 (317), 31:1 (173), 32:1 (158), 40:1 (380), 41:1 (276), 42:1 (300), 43:1 (324), 44:1 (150), 45:1 (200), 46:1 (225) | 2 | 46 |
S (Saad) | 7:1 (97), 19:1 (26), 38:1 (29) | 7 | 38 |
R (Ra) | 10:1 (257), 11:1 (325), 12:1 (257), 13:1 (137), 14:1 (160), 15:1 (96) | 10 | 15 |
K (Kaf) | 19:1 (137) | 19 | 19 |
H (Ha) | 19:1 (175), 20:1 (251) | 19 | 20 |
Y (Ya) | 19:1 (343), 36:1 (237) | 19 | 36 |
`A (`Ayn) | 19:1 (117), 42:2 (98) | 19 | 42 |
T (Ta) | 20:1 (28), 26:1 (33), 27:1 (27), 28:1 (19) | 20 | 28 |
S (Seen) | 26:1 (94), 27:1 (94), 28:1 (102), 36:1 (48), 42:2 (54) | 26 | 42 |
H (HHa) | 40:1 (64), 41:1 (48), 42:1 (53), 43:1 (44) 44:1 (16), 45:1 (31), 46:1 (36) | 40 | 46 |
Q (Qaf) | 42:2 (57), 50:1 (57) | 42 | 50 |
N (NuN) | 68:1 (133) | 68 | 68 |
43423 | 295 | 514 | |
Grand Total = 43423+295+514 = 44232 = 19x2328. |
A special mathematical coding authenticates the number of verses where the Quranic Initials themselves are found. As detailed in Table 11, all Quranic Initials occur in Verse 1, except in Sura 42 (initials in Verses 1 and 2). This fact is supported by the remarkable mathematical phenomenon detailed in Table 12. If we multiply the first two columns of Table 12, instead of adding, we still end up with a Total that is divisible by 19 (see Table 13).
Table 12: Mathematical Coding of the Number of Verses with Initials
Table 13: Multiplying the First Two Columns of Table 12, Instead of Adding
Sura No. | No. of Initials | No. Of Init'ld Verses | |
2 | x | 3 | 1 |
3 | x | 3 | 1 |
7 | x | 4 | 1 |
- | - | - | |
42 | x | 5 | 2 |
- | - | - | |
50 | x | 1 | 1 |
68 | x | 2 | 1 |
2022 | 30 | ||
2022 + 30 = 2052 (19x108) |
Obviously, it is crucial to have two different initialed verses in Sura 42 in order to conform with the Quran's mathematical code. The fact that Verse 1 of Sura 42 consists of the two Quranic Initials "H.M." and the second verse consists of the three Initials " `A.S.Q." has perplexed Muslim scholars and orientalists for 14 centuries.
By the end of this Appendix, the read-er will see that every element of the Quran is mathematically authenticated. The elements we are dealing with now are "the number of Quranic Initials in each initialed sura" and "the number of verses that contain Quranic Initials." Tables 11 through 13 have dealt with these two elements.
Additional mathematical authentication is shown in Tables 14 and 15. In Table 14, we have the numbers of all initialed suras added to the number of verses in each sura, plus the number of verses containing initials, plus the gematrical values of those initials. The Grand Total is 7030, or 19x370.
Table 14: Mathematical Properties of the Initialed Suras
Sura Number | Number of Verses | Number Of Initialed Verses | Gematrical Value of the Initials | TOTAL |
2 | 286 | 1 | 71 | 360 |
3 | 200 | 1 | 71 | 275 |
7 | 206 | 1 | 161 | 375 |
10 | 109 | 1 | 231 | 351 |
11 | 123 | 1 | 231 | 366 |
12 | 111 | 1 | 231 | 355 |
13 | 43 | 1 | 271 | 328 |
14 | 52 | 1 | 231 | 298 |
15 | 99 | 1 | 231 | 346 |
19 | 98 | 1 | 195 | 313 |
20 | 135 | 1 | 14 | 170 |
26 | 227 | 1 | 109 | 363 |
27 | 93 | 1 | 69 | 190 |
28 | 88 | 1 | 109 | 226 |
29 | 69 | 1 | 71 | 170 |
30 | 60 | 1 | 71 | 162 |
31 | 34 | 1 | 71 | 137 |
32 | 30 | 1 | 71 | 134 |
36 | 83 | 1 | 70 | 190 |
38 | 88 | 1 | 90 | 217 |
40 | 85 | 1 | 48 | 174 |
41 | 54 | 1 | 48 | 144 |
42 | 53 | 2 | 278 | 375 |
43 | 89 | 1 | 48 | 181 |
44 | 59 | 1 | 48 | 152 |
45 | 37 | 1 | 48 | 131 |
46 | 35 | 1 | 48 | 130 |
50 | 45 | 1 | 100 | 196 |
68 | 52 | 1 | 50 + 50 | 221 |
822 | + 2743 | + 30 | + 3435 | = 7030 |
(19x370) |
The number of verses per sura, and the numbers assigned to each verse are among the basic elements of the Quran. Not only are these elements authenticated mathematically, but both initialed and un-initialed suras are independently coded. Since we are now dealing with the initialed suras, Table 16 presents the numbers assigned to these suras, added to the numbers of verses in each sura, plus the sum of verse numbers (1+2+3+ ... + n). The Grand total is 190133, or 19x10007.
Table 15: Multiplying the First 2 Columns of Table 14, Instead of Adding Them
Sura Number | Number of Verses | Number of Initialed Verses | Gematrical Value of the Initials | TOTAL | ||||
2 | x | 286 | + | 1 | + | 71 | = | 644 |
3 | x | 200 | + | 1 | + | 71 | = | 672 |
7 | x | 206 | + | 1 | + | 161 | = | 1604 |
- | - | - | - | - | ||||
50 | x | 45 | + | 1 | + | 100 | = | 2351 |
68 | x | 52 | + | 1 | + | (50+50) | = | 3637 |
60071 | 30 | 3435 | = | 63536 | ||||
(19x3344) |
By adding the number of every sura to the number of the next sura, and accumulating the sums of sura numbers as we continue this process to the end of the Quran, we will have a value that corresponds to each sura. Thus, Sura 1 will have a corresponding value of 1, Sura 2 will have a value of 1+2=3, Sura 3 will have a value of 3+3=6, Sura 4 will have a value of 6+4 = 10, and so on to the end of the Quran. The total values for the initialed and the un-initialed suras are independently divisible by 19. The values for the initialed suras are shown in Table 17.
Table 16: Mathematical Structuring of the Verses of Initialed Suras
Table 17: Values Obtained by Successive Addition of Sura Numbers.
The values calculated for the un-initialed suras add up to a total of 237785, which is also a multiple of 19 (237785 = 19x12515).
[2] The numbers of verses where the word "God" occurs add up to 118123, also a multiple of 19 (118123 = 19x6217).
These simple phenomena gave us many difficulties while simply counting the word "God." We were a group of workers, equipped with computers, and all of us college graduates. Yet, we made several errors in counting, calculating, or simply writing the counts of the word "God." Those who still claim that Muhammad was the author of the Quran are totally illogical; he never went to college, and he did not have a computer.
[3] From the first Quranic Initials (A.L.M. 2:1) to the last initial (N. 68:1), there are 2641, 19 x 139, occurrences of the word "God."
[4] The word "God" occurs 57 times in the section outside the Initials (Table 18).
[5] By adding the numbers of the suras and verses where these 57 occurrences of the word "God" are found, we get a total of 2432, or 19x128. See Table 18.
[6] The word "God" occurs in 85 suras. If we add the number of each sura to the number of verses between the first and last occurrences of the word "God," both verses inclusive, the Grand Total comes to 8170 or 19 x 430. An abbreviated representation of the data is shown in Table 19.
Table 18: Occurence of the Word "God" outside the Initialed Section
Number of Sura | Numbers of Verses | Number of Occurrences |
1 | 1,2 | 2 |
69 | 33 | 1 |
70 | 3 | 1 |
71 | 3,4,13,15,17,19,25 | 7 |
72 | 4,5,7,12,18,19,22,23 | 10 |
73 | 20 | 7 |
74 | 31,56 | 3 |
76 | 6,9,11,30 | 5 |
79 | 25 | 1 |
81 | 29 | 1 |
82 | 19 | 1 |
84 | 23 | 1 |
85 | 8,9,20 | 3 |
87 | 7 | 1 |
88 | 24 | 1 |
91 | 13 | 2 |
95 | 8 | 1 |
96 | 14 | 1 |
98 | 2,5,8 | 3 |
104 | 6 | 1 |
110 | 1,2 | 2 |
112 | 1,2 | 2 |
1798 | 634 | 57 |
(19x3) | ||
Sum of numbers of the suras & verses = 1798 + 634 = 2432 | ||
= 19 x 128 | ||
Total occurence of the word "God" outside the initialed section = 57 (19 x 3). |
Table 19: All Suras in Which the Word "God" (Allah) Is Mentioned
No | Sura No. | First Verse | Last Verse | # Verses From First to Last |
1. | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
2. | 2 | 7 | 286 | 280 |
3. | 3 | 2 | 200 | 199 |
- | - | - | - | - |
84. | 110 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
85. | 112 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
3910 | 4260 | |||
3910 +4260 =8170 = 19x430 |
[7] The Quran's dominant message is that there is only "One God." The word "One," in Arabic "Wahed" occurs in the Quran 25 times. Six of these occurrences refer to other than God (one kind of food, one door, etc.). The other 19 occurrences refer to God. These data are found in the classic reference INDEX TO THE WORDS OF QURAN.
As pointed out later in this Appendix, all God's scriptures, not only the Quran, were mathematically coded with the number "19." Even the universe at large bears this divine mark. The number 19 can be looked upon as the Almighty Creator's signature on everything He created (see Appendix 38). The number "19" possesses unique mathematical properties beyond the scope of this Appendix. For example:
[1] It is a prime number.
[2] It encompasses the first numeral (1) and the last numeral (9), as if to proclaim God's attribute in 57:3 as the "Alpha and the Omega."
[3] It looks the same in all languages of the world. Both components, 1 and 9, are the only numerals that look the same in all languages.
The Lord our God is ONE! Therefore, you shall worship the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. |
[4] It possesses many peculiar mathematical properties. For example, 19 is the sum of the first powers of 9 and 10, and the difference between the second powers of 9 and 10.
We now understand that the universal coding of God's creations with the number 19 rests in the fact that it is the gematrical value of the word "ONE" in all the scriptural languages — Aramaic, Hebrew, and Arabic.
Table 20: Why "19!"
The number 19, therefore, proclaims the First Commandment in all the scriptures: that there is only ONE God.
As shown in Table 7, the Aramaic, Hebrew, and Arabic alphabets used to double as numerals in accordance with a universally established system. The Hebrew word for "ONE" is "VAHD" (pronounced V-AHAD). In Arabic, the word for "ONE" is "WAHD" (pronounced WAAHED). See Table 20.
Table 21: Suras and Verses Where "Quran" Occurs
Two other grammatical forms of the word "Quran" occur in 12 verses. These include the word "Quranun" and the word "Quranahu." One of these occurrences, in 13:31 refers to "another Quran" that cause the mountains to crumble. Another occurrence, in 41:44, refers to "a non-Arabic Quran." These two occurrences, therefore, are excluded. Table 21 shows a list of the suras and verses where the word "Quran," in all its grammatical forms, occurs.
The first word | "Ism" (Name) | occurs | 19 times. |
The second word | "Allah" (God) | occurs | 2698 times (19x142). |
The third word | "Al-Rahman" | (Most Gracious) | 57 times, 19x3. |
The fourth word | "Al-Raheem" | (Most Merciful) | 114 times, 19x6. |
Professor Cesar Majul looked at the gematrical value of more than 400 attributes of God, and found only four names whose gematrical vaues are multiples of 19:
Divine Name | Gematrical Value |
1. "Waahed" (One) | 19 |
2. "Zul Fadl Al-`Azim" (Possessor of Infinite Grace) | 2698 |
3. "Majid" (Glorious) | 57 |
4. "Jaami` " (Summoner) | 114 |
As noted above, the only Divine Names whose gematrical values are divisible by 19 correspond exactly to the frequencies of occurrence of the Basmalah's four words. The figure below illustrates this remarkable phenomenon:
Table 22: All Suras and Verses from First Occurrence of LAA ELAAHA ELLA HOO to the Last Occurrence.
The "First Pillar of Islam" is stated in 3:18 as "LAA ELAAHA ELLA HOO" (There is no other god besides Him). This most important expression occurs in 19 suras. The first occurrence is in 2:163, and the last occurrence is in 73:9. Table 22 shows that the total of sura numbers, plus the number of verses between the first and last occurrences, plus the sum of these verse numbers is 316502, or 19x 16658.
Also, by adding the numbers of the 19 suras where LAA ELAAHA ELLA HOO occurs, plus the verse numbers where this crucial expression is found, plus the total number of occurrences (29), the Grand Total comes to 2128, or 19x112. The details are shown in Table 23.
Table 23: List of All Occurrences of the Crucial Phrase: "LAA ELAAHA ELLA HOO" (There is no other god besides Him).
The Zakat charity is mentioned in 2:43, 83, 110, 177, 277; 4:77, 162; 5:12, 55, 7:156; 9:5, 11, 18, 71; 18:81; 19:13, 31, 55; 21:73; 22:41, 78; 23:4; 24:37, 56; 27:3; 30:39; 31:4; 33:33; 41:7; 58:13; 73:20; and 98:5. These numbers add up to 2395. This total does not quite make it as a multiple of 19; it is up by 1.
The Hajj Pilgrimage occurs in 2:189, 196, 197; 9:3; and 22:27. These numbers add up to 645, and this total does not quite make it as a multiple of 19; it is down by 1.
Thus, Zakat and Hajj, together, give a total of 2395+645 = 3040 = 19x160.
Since the physical construction of the Quran is purely mathematical, it would be expected that the numbers mentioned in the Quran must conform with the Quran's 19-based code.
A total of 30 unique numbers are mentioned throughout the Quran, and the sum of all these numbers is 162146, a multiple of 19 (162146 = 19x8534). Table 24 lists all the numbers mentioned in the Quran, without the repetitions.
The numbers which are mentioned only once in the Quran are: 11, 19, 20, 50, 60, 80, 99, 300, 2000, 3000, 5000, 50000, and 100000. All the numbers mentioned in the Quran, with repetitions, occur 285 times, and this number is a multiple of 19; 285 = 19x15.
Table 24: All the Quranic Numbers.
Number | Location Example |
1 | 2:163 |
2 | 4:11 |
3 | 4:171 |
4 | 9:2 |
5 | 18:22 |
6 | 25:59 |
7 | 41:12 |
8 | 69:17 |
9 | 27:48 |
10 | 2:196 |
11 | 12:4 |
12 | 9:36 |
19 | 74:30 |
20 | 8:65 |
30 | 7:142 |
40 | 7:142 |
50 | 29:14 |
60 | 58:4 |
70 | 9:80 |
80 | 24:4 |
99 | 38:23 |
100 | 2:259 |
200 | 8:65 |
300 | 18:25 |
1000 | 2:96 |
2000 | 8:66 |
3000 | 3:124 |
5000 | 3:125 |
50000 | 70:4 |
100000 | 37:147 |
162146 (19 x 8534) |
When we add the numbers of all suras, plus the number of verses in
every sura, plus the sum of verse numbers, the Grand total for the
whole Quran comes to 346199, 19x19x959. Table 25 is an abbreviated
presentation of these data. Thus, the slightest alteration of a single
sura or verse would have destroyed this system. As shown in Table
16, if we consider only the 29 initialed suras, these same data produce
a Grand Total which is also a multiple of 19. It follows that the
data for the un-initialed suras are also divisible by 19.
Table 26 is an abbreviated presentation of the same data related to the 85 un-initialed suras.
Table 25: Mathematical Coding of the Sura and Verse Numbers.
Sura No. | No.of Verses | Sum of Verse #s | TOTAL |
1 | 7 | 28 | 36 |
2 | 286 | 41041 | 41329 |
- | - | - | - |
9 | 127 | 8128 | 8264 |
- | - | - | - |
113 | 5 | 15 | 133 |
114 | 6 | 21 | 141 |
6555 | 6234 | 333410 | 346199 |
(19x19x959) |
Table 26: Mathematical Coding of the 85 Un-initialed Suras
Sura No. | No.of Verses | Sum of Verse #s | TOTAL |
1 | 7 | 28 | 36 |
4 | 176 | 15576 | 15756 |
- | - | - | - |
9 | 127 | 8128 | 8264 |
- | - | - | - |
113 | 5 | 15 | 133 |
114 | 6 | 21 | 141 |
5733 | 3491 | 146842 | 156066 |
(19x8214) |
Let us write down the number of each verse in the Quran, preceded for each sura by the number of verses in that sura. Thus, Sura 1, which consists of seven verses, will be represented by the number 7 1234567. What we are doing here is forming long numbers by writing the numbers of verses next to each other. To find the number representing Sura 2, you write down the number of verses in this sura, 286, followed by the number of every verse, written next to each other. Thus, the number representing Sura 2 will look like this: 286 12345.....284285286. The two numbers representing the first two suras are:
Putting these two numbers together to form one number representing the first two suras, we get this number:
This process is continued until every verse in the Quran is written down, thus forming one very long number encompassing the number of every verse in the Quran. The number representing the whole Quran is a multiple of 19 & consists of 12692 digits, which is also a multiple of 19.
Instead of putting the total number of verses in every sura ahead of the sura, let us put it at the end of every sura. Thus, the number representing Sura 1 will look like this: 1234567 7, instead of 7 1234567. The number representing Sura 2 will look like this: 12345.....284 285 286 286 instead of 286 12345.....284285286. The numbers representing the first two suras will look like this:
Putting these two numbers together to form a longer number representing the first two suras, we get a number that looks like this:
Since we are putting the total number of verses per sura at the end of each sura, we must put the total number of numbered verses (6234) at the end of the Quran. The last numbers, therefore, represent the last sura (123456 6), followed by the total number of numbered verses in the Quran (6234):
Write down the number of every verse in every sura, followed by the number of the sura, followed by the number of verses in the sura. Thus, the number representing Sura 1 looks like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 7. The number representing Sura 2 looks like this: 1 2 3 4 5 .....284 285 286 2 286. The number representing the last sura (No. 114) looks like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 114 6. Again, the total number of numbered verses (6234) is added at the end. This number, representing the whole Quran, is a multiple of 19; it looks like this:
Instead of putting the total number of verses in every sura after the sura, let us now put it ahead of the sura. Thus, the number representing Sura 1 looks like this: 7 1234567 1, instead of 1234567 1 7, and the number representing Sura 2 looks like this: 286 12345.....284 285 286 2, instead of 12345.....284 285 286 2 286. This very long number representing the whole Quran is a multiple of 19.
The very long number (consisting of 12930 digits) is a multiple of 19.
Now, let us write down the number of every verse in every sura, followed by the sum of verse numbers for every sura. Sura 1 consists of 7 verses, and the sum of verse numbers is 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 = 28. Thus, the number representing Sura 1 looks like this: 1234567 28.
The sum of verse numbers for Sura 2 is 41041 (1+2+3+ ... + 286). Thus, the number representing Sura 2 looks like this: 12345...284 285 286 41041.
The number representing the last sura, which consists of 6 verses, looks like this: 123456 21, since 1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21.
The complete number, representing the whole Quran, consists of 12836 digits and is a multiple of 19. It looks like this:
Remarkably, if we take the "Fifth No." shown above and reverse the order of verse numbers and sum of verse numbers, i.e., move the sum of verse numbers, and put it ahead of the sura, the resulting long number is still a multiple of 19.
Even writing the suras backward, i.e., reversing the order of suras by starting with the last sura and ending with the first sura, and placing the sum of verse numbers after the verses of each sura, the product is still a multiple of 19
Write the sum of verse numbers for the whole Quran (333410), followed by the total number of numbered verses in the Quran (6234), then the number of suras (114). Every sura is then represented by its number followed by its number of verses. The numbers representing Suras 1 and 2 are 1 7 and 2 286. The complete number, covering all suras of the Quran, consists of 474 digits, and is a multiple of 19 — it looks like this:
Now let us reverse the order of sura number and its number of verses as presented in the "Eighth No." Thus, the numbers representing the first two suras look like this: 7 1 & 286 2, instead of 1 7 & 2 286. The complete number also consists of 474 digits and is still a multiple of 19. It looks like this:
If we write down the sum of verse numbers for Sura 1 (28), followed by the sum of verse numbers for Sura 2 (41041), and so on to the end of the Quran, and placing the Grand Sum of verse numbers (333410) at the end, the resulting long number (Tenth No.) consists of 377 digits, and is a multiple of 19.
If we write down the number of suras in the Quran (114), followed by the total number of numbered verses (6234), followed by the number of every sura and its sum of verse numbers, the final long number (612 digits) is a multiple of 19.
Lest anyone may think that any Quranic parameter is left un-guarded with this awesome mathematical code, let us look at more parameters.
If we write down the number of suras (114), followed by the total number of numbered verses, followed by the Grand Sum of verse numbers in the whole Quran (333410), followed by the numbers of every sura and its verses, we end up with a very long number (12712 digits) that is a multiple of 19.
If we write down the numbers of verses in every sura next to each other, we end up with a 235-digit number that is a multiple of 19. To do this, write down the total number of numbered verses in the Quran (6234), followed by the number of verses in every sura, then close with the total number of numbered verses in the Quran. The final long number looks like this:
If we write down the number of numbered verses in the Quran (6234), followed by the number of suras (114), followed by the number of every verse in every sura, then close with the number of numbered verses in the Quran (6234) and the number of suras (114), the final number consists of 12479 digits, and is a multiple of 19.
Another long number that consists of 12774 digits is formed by writing down the number of every verse in every sura, followed by the number of every sura added to its number of verses. Sura 1 consists of 7 verses, and the total 1+7 is 8. Therefore, the number representing Sura 1 looks like this: 1234567 8. Since Sura 2 consists of 286 verses, the number representing Sura 2 looks like this: 12345...286 288. This is done for every sura in the Quran. The final combined number consists of 12774 digits, and is a multiple of 19.
More specialized features are in Appendices 2, 9, 19, 24, 25, 26, 29, and 37.
[May 26, 1989 — Add to Appendix 1]
Mr. Abdullah Arik made the following discoveries just before printing time:
1. If we write down the number of verses in every sura, followed by the sum of verse numbers, and keep all number justified to the left, the total of all left-justified numbers is 4,859,309,774, or 19x255753146 (Table 1).
2. Do the same as above, except write down the number of every verse, instead of the number of verses. The total this time consists of 757 digits and is still a multiple of 19 (Table 2).
3. Do the same as above, but justify everything to the right, and write down the sura number, followed by the number of verses in that sura, followed by the number of every verse in the sura, and finally, the sum of verse numbers. The total consists of 759 digits and is also a multiple of 19 (Table 3).
Sura 1 | 728 |
Sura 2 | 28641041 |
Sura 3 | 20020100 |
- | - |
Sura 114 | 621 |
Total = 4859309774 = 19 x 255753146 |
Sura 1 | 123456728 |
Sura 2 | 1234...28641041 |
- | - |
Sura 114 | 12345621 |
Sura 1 | 17123456728 |
Sura 2 | 228612345........28641041 |
- | - |
Sura 114 | 114612345621 |
The following quotation is taken from STUDIES IN JEWISH MYSTICISM , (Association for Jewish Studies, Cambridge, Mass., Joseph Dan & Frank Talmage, eds., Page 88, 1982). The quotation refers to the work of Rabbi Judah the Pious (12th Century AD):
The people [Jews] in France made it a custom to add [in the morning prayer] the words: " 'Ashrei temimei derekh [blessed are those who walk the righteous way]," and our Rabbi, the Pious, of blessed memory, wrote that they were completely and utterly wrong. It is all gross falsehood, because there are only nineteen times that the Holy Name is mentioned [in that portion of the morning prayer]... and similarly you find the word 'Elohim nineteen times in the pericope of Ve-'elleh shemot. . . . Similarly, you find that Israel were called "sons" nineteen times, and there are many other examples. All these sets of nineteen are intricately intertwined, and they contain many secrets and esoteric meanings, which are contained in more than eight large volumes. . . Furthermore, in this section there are 152 (19x8) words.
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